January is Cervical Health Awareness Month. The Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) BreastCare program coordinates efforts with a statewide network of providers offering no-cost cervical and breast cancer screenings and follow-up services.
Cervical cancer is largely preventable with Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccination, and routine pap tests to detect pre-cancers. Data for 2024 is not finalized yet, but estimates show 140 Arkansas women will have been diagnosed with cervical cancer, and 50 women will have died due to cervical cancer. The state currently ranks as 10th lowest for pap tests that can detect cervical cancer and 10th lowest for HPV vaccination among girls 13-17 years old that can prevent cervical cancer.
Cancers diagnosed at late stages (III or IV) are generally associated with poor outcomes and higher treatment costs. Women who are diagnosed at earlier stages have a greater chance of survival. Cervical screening services are imperative for early detection and better treatment outcomes. Cervical cancer can often be found early, and sometimes even prevented, by having regular screening tests. If detected early, cervical cancer is one of the most successfully treatable cancers.
Women ages 21-64 can be screened for cervical cancer regardless of ethnicity or nationality through the ADH BreastCare program. Since its inception, the BreastCare Program has enrolled about 145,300 women for breast and cervical cancer screening and diagnostic services. Additionally, the program provides educational information to communities about the importance of regular cervical cancer screening.
For more information about cervical cancer screening, call (833) -693-2942 or visit https://healthy.arkansas.gov/programs-services/prevention-healthy-living/breastcare-program/ to see if you are eligible and to find a provider.