HJLR May/Jun 2019

Healthcare Journal of LITTLE ROCK  I  MAY / JUN 2019 57 Emad Aboud, MD Neurosurgeon CHI St. Vincent Arkansas Neuroscience Institute represents the real human anatomy and simulates live surgery in terms of bleeding and pulsation, it’s an excellent alternative to animal models and can be applied to the whole cadaver or to one specific area of the body like the head, arm, or leg.” Because some medical situations were difficult to recreate in traditional cadaver models, Dr. Aboud’s method makes this type of learning experience more successful. Every year more than 200 neurosurgeons from around the world visit the Arkansas Neuroscience Institute to attend hands-on workshops to practice on this method and train under Dr. Aboud and world-renowned neurosurgeon, Dr. Ali Krisht. “When residents come in and train on this model and perform a procedure, you can see the excitement they feel. Because we can’t train or experience every surgical situation in real time, this method provides invalu- able opportunities for residents to practice very complex surgical conditions, and pre- pares them to be better surgeons,” says Dr. Aboud. “Even with advanced training, many residents may not be exposed to every pos- sibility, like uncontrolled bleeding from a ruptured aneurysm. When we allow sur- geons in training to performprocedures and face the complications that might happen in a live patient, they develop confidence and the skills they need to effectively address the problem and provide the highest level of care possible.” n Fully trained neurosurgeon, Emad Aboud, MD, serves as the director of the ANI Micro- neurosurgery Laboratory, overseeing all lab- related training and research. Dr. Aboud is responsible for creating The Aboud Model for Surgical Training, a life-like simulation device that he has lectured about and showcased in a variety of national and international venues. In total, Dr. Aboud has delivered almost 40 presentations on The Aboud Model and other relevant topics related to his field of expertise. He has also published multiple articles and book chapters in neurosurgical literature. Prior to joining the ANI at St. Vincent, Dr. Aboud served as an assistant professor for research at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS).