HJLR Mar/Apr 2019
Healthcare Journal of LITTLE ROCK I MAR / APR 2019 21 R obert H. Hopkins Jr., M.D., is professor and director of the Division of General Internal Medicine in the Department of Internal Medicine in the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) College of Medicine. He is a member of the National Vaccine Advisory Committee of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and has recently been selected to serve as the next chairman of this committee, beginning in September 2018. Hopkins sees patients and teaches in the Internal Medicine and Pediatrics departments and has served in a number of roles, including director of the Com- bined Internal Medicine-Pediatrics Residency Program from 2006 until 2017. He is currently associate director of that training program. Hopkins is one of 53 internists from across the world to have been selected to join an elite group of physicians awarded Mastership in the American Col- lege of Physicians (ACP), the national organization of internists. Only about 850 internists, or just more than .5 percent, of 148,000 ACP members worldwide have been awarded Mastership in the College. Hopkins earned a medical degree from the Medical College of Georgia and completed an internship and residency in internal medicine/pediatrics at UAMS. Hopkins has previously served nationally as a member of the National Qual- ity ForumAdult Immunization Committee and was a participant in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Clinical Decision Support for Immu- nization II Project. Since 2003, he has served on the Executive Committee of the National Influenza Vaccine Summit, which is co-sponsored by the CDC and the American Medical Association. Hopkins is a member of the Vaccine Medical Advisory Committee for the Arkansas Department of Health and is a nationally known speaker on Adult Immunization Practices. He is a member of numerous professional and medical associations, including theAmerican College of Physicians, Association of ProgramDirectors in Inter- nal Medicine, theAssociation of Pediatric ProgramDirectors, and theAmerican Academy of Pediatrics. Starting as an instructor in the UAMS Department of Pediatrics in 1993 and the Department of Internal Medicine in 1995, Hopkins has held positions as an assistant professor in pediatrics and associate professor in both departments.
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