HJAR Jan/Feb 2025
HEALTHCARE TRANSFORMATION WHEN VISION MEETS WEALTH: Northwest Arkansas’ Unique Formula for Healthcare Transformation by Jodiane Tritt, JD 18 JAN / FEB 2025 I HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF ARKANSAS Editor’s Note: As other parts of Arkansas are struggling to keep hospital doors open, Northwest Arkansas is on the cusp of thriving with health visionaries like Alice Walton launching Heartland Whole Health Institute and the Alice L. Walton School of Medicine, and the backing of The Walmart Foundation, Walton Family Foundation, J.B. Hunt, and others. While the federal government has long hamstrung the state with low payment models and limited residencies, these health visionaries in Northwest Arkansas are pushing conventional wisdom and healthcare models to benefit their citizens, and perhaps change the model for the entire country. We thought it important to share snippets of their 2030 vision with the rest of the state. We are cheering for y’all and hope it will become the model for the entire state soon.
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