HJAR Mar/Apr 2024

56 MAR / APR 2024 I  HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF ARKANSAS NURSING COLUMN NURSING GENERATIVE large language model arti- ficial intelligence is a rapidly developing technology that will influence the health- care profession and health education in ways that may currently be difficult to imagine. 1 Over the past year, advances in artificial intelligence have occurred at an exponential rate. By now, many have heard of artificial intelligence (AI), if not seen it in use for entertainment purposes. Howev- er, they may not recognize the enormous impact AI will have on healthcare practic- es. What was once viewed as technology from the future or a science fiction novel is pervasively becoming a way of the world. Healthcare and health education are not exempt from the phenomenon of artificial intelligence and its implications in the way information is processed. Artificial intelligence is rapidly emerging in areas of data collection, image creation, health technology, and, more recently, large language model (LLM) development. Large languagemodel artificial intelligence (LLMAI) has the potential to revolutionize modern healthcare training and practices by providing more efficient and effective ways to acquire and retain knowledge. Alternatively, this technology must be approached with cautious consideration when being integrated to healthcare practices and training. Human-centered professions,suchashealthcare,mustretain the skills needed to connect with patients and critically evaluate technologies in use. The safest way for progress is to be familiar with the technology and evaluate accordingly. How does large language model arti- ficial intelligence work? Programs such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT, for example, are trained to produce text based on predic- tive analysis using vast databases across disciplines. 2 This program model identifies word relationships and patterns from hu- man content in a way that answers indi- vidualized prompt responses to generate original content based on the specific in- put or inquiry. ChatGPT interacts in a con- versational way using dialogue that allows the program to solve a problem, answer follow-up questions, reject inappropri- ate requests, challenge incorrect premis- es, and even admit its own mistakes. The user inputs a prompt to the chat box, the program then continues to build on the individual chat conversations using artifi- cial intelligence by compiling text in those familiar patterns. This service is currently free to anyone who creates an account. Prompts and responses are then saved in the user’s account and can be added to, or clarity can be sought on the response. Do not fret if you are intimidated by technology or unfamiliar products. Simply give it a try. Start by logging onto ChatGPT or a similar program such as Bard from the Google suite. The following examples provided have been used with ChatGPT as the operating program. It is recommended to start easy and input something familiar or information that requires more labori- ous compilation of data. This allows the first-time user to evaluate using critical thinking and human judgement to verify Emerging Technology: Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare