HJAR Jul/Aug 2024

46 JUL / AUG 2024 I  HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF ARKANSAS ORAL HEALTH THE “2024 State of America's Oral Health and Wellness Report,” commissioned by the Delta Dental Plans Association, pro- vides a comprehensive analysis of oral health behaviors among U.S. adults and children. This year's findings underscore the increasing recognition of the critical link between oral health and overall well- being, the role of preventive care, and the rising trend in dental insurance coverage. The integral role of oral health in overall wellness The report reveals a significant un- derstanding among adults regarding the DIALOGUE COLUMN ORAL HEALTH respiratory illnesses, diabetes, and stroke. For instance, the percentage of adults who un- derstand the connection between oral health and heart disease rose from 43% in 2023 to 49% in 2024. Similarly, awareness regarding respiratory illnesses increased from 31% to 35% over the same period. This growing awareness is particularly no- table among younger generations. Gen Z and Millennials are more likely to appreciate the connection between oral health and specific chronic conditions, potentially due to great- er exposure to health information via social media. This generational perspective high- lights the importance of targeted educational connection between oral health and overall wellness. An impressive 92% of adults ac- knowledged that their oral health is closely tied to their general health. This awareness is even more pronounced among parents, with 96% recognizing this link in their children. This recognition has important implications for public health initiatives and education- al campaigns aimed at promoting holistic health practices. Adults are increasingly aware of the spe- cific health conditions linked to poor oral health. The report highlights a growing un- derstanding of the association between oral health and conditions such as heart disease, Insights fromDelta Dental’s 2024 State of America's Oral Health & Wellness Report