HJAR Jul/Aug 2024
ADH CORNER COLUMN CHILDREN’S HEALTH MEDICAL needs lead to treatment innova- tions. Sometimes, the positive results of those innovations create new needs and inspire ad- ditional advancements. For example, only a few years ago, lung andmuscle issues related to spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) resulted in premature death, negating the need for pediatric orthopedic care. With the advent of new neuromuscular medications, such as Spinraza, life expectancy for those with SMA increased drastically, and new medi- cations in development promise even more exceptional outcomes. Due to this improve- ment, orthopedic specialists faced a welcome challenge — identifying potential orthopedic issues stemming from SMA and determin- ing the best way to manage these issues. As patients with SMAaged, other comorbidities presented additional unique complications, requiring the teams to develop new, individu- alized treatments. Spinal muscular atrophy is a rare, auto- somal-recessive neuromuscular disorder caused by a genetic mutation. The mutation results in reduced levels of the survival motor neuron protein, causingmuscle weakness and atrophy. As it progresses, the disease causes dysfunction in the respiratory, digestive, car- diovascular, and muscular systems, signifi- cantly reducing the patient’s quality of life. Steering & Riding the Cycle of Innovation: SPINAL MUSCULAR ATROPHY & SCOLIOSIS 42 JUL / AUG 2024 I HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF ARKANSAS
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