HJAR Jan/Feb 2024

DIALOGUE 12 JAN / FEB 2024 I  HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF ARKANSAS Secretary Mallory I’ve heard people answer this question about themselves and have thought to myself: Do they really think that’s how they manage, or only wish that’s how they manage?With that in mind, to answer the question about my management style, I sought feedback from individuals who have been part of my team for a number of years. They described my style as actively engaged and hands-on, because I want to know everything about everything, and I do not like surprises, without being a micro-manager. They also describe me as practical, pragmatic, and highly social. I would add to these comments that it is extremely important to me to provide my team with the ability and latitude to excel, but I’m always ready to step in and assist when needed. However, because I amhighly competitive, extremely impatient, and have an opinion on just about everything, I have to constantly check myself to let others learn by experience. Editor Describe your work-life balance. Secretary Mallory Being at ADH as long as I have been means I am blessed to have enough years to be able to retire with full benefits, which makes continuing to work a choice. Each role I’ve had with ADH has been the best one until the new one comes, so the job does not seem like work most of the time. But when I’m not with my ADH family, I’m with my husband of 30 years who constantly has a project he involves me in. The current project is beekeeping, and I now know more about bees, honey, hive beetles, bee boxes, etc. than I ever wanted to know. Editor Being in charge of a very large and important state agency must have its stressors. How do you maintain good mental health for yourself and those you lead? Secretary Mallory My team knows I like to laugh, tease, and have fun. I encourage taking time off that has been earned. I also believe being outdoors and exercising is good for the body and mind. Having a track across the street is a benefit, and team members and I walk together when the weather is good. Editor Thank you for your time, Secretary Mallory. n