HJAR Sep/Oct 2023
HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF ARKANSAS I SEP / OCT 2023 53 Lindsey Baertlein, PhD(c), MSN, RNC-MNN, CNE Assistant Professor University of Arkansas Little Rock School of Nursing style is influenced by avoiding direct con- frontation but using manipulation tactics to achieve goals at the expense of others.4 These communicators appear to be hon- est and direct but undermine others with gossip, victimization, micro-aggressions and manipulative behaviors that promote or create conflict in the workforce. The passive-aggressive communicator doesn’t hold many leadership positions due to mistrust and poor relationships. Conflict management is a process of in- creasing positive actions and limiting neg- ative actions in the presence of conflict. 6 The overarching goal of conflict manage- ment is to improve outcomes of effective communication and conflict resolution. A multitude of conflict management and resolution strategies exist, and finding the strategy that works for each unique indi- vidual can help prevent conflict escala- tions. According to Butts & Rich, five res- olution strategies include accommodating, avoiding, collaborating, competing, and compromising. 7 Marquis and Huston iden- tified a sixth resolution strategy known as “smoothing.” 8 Each person should con- sider that while these strategies include a multifactorial approach to communica- tion, each affects the outcome of conflict differently. Each specific situation, the ur- gency of the decision-making process, the stakeholder maturity level, and the impor- tance of the issue guide which strategy is appropriate. 8 With the compromise approach, both parties win because both give up some- thing in an attempt to partially fulfill the goal. The competing approach results in an “I win, you lose” result because one party achieves a goal at the expense of another. The accommodating approach leads to an “I lose, you win” situation where one per- son puts aside their goal to satisfy another party. The avoidance approach is consid- ered a “lose, lose” situation because both parties attempt to suppress the conflict, resulting in no goal achievement for either party. With the collaborating approach, both parties win and try to find solutions that will satisfy both parties. The smooth- ing approach seeks to decrease emotional components of conflict. 8 Negotiation strategies often favor com- promise and include a dialogue between two or more people who intend to reach an understanding, resolve differences, gain advantages, or meet goals and outcomes. 6 The art of negotiation involves both verbal and psychological communication efforts to reach what each person will consider the bottom line. and develop trusting relationships. The aggressive style is a dominant, in-your-face style with decision-making tactics of being the “winner.” 4 Manipula- tion tactics are frequently used, including direct confrontation, guilt, hurt, anger, and body language. While aggressive commu- nicators are more effective than passive or passive-aggressive styles, aggressive communicators are not always successful in leadership positions due to the ability to overpower and intimidate others, resulting in a loss of trust and faith by colleagues and teammembers. The passive communication style is at the polar end of the spectrum from ag- gressive communication. Passive commu- nicators typically allow others to make de- cisions for them to prevent confrontation or a level of discomfort. 4 They often are quick to apologize and smooth things over during difficult conversations to prevent discourse or give in to others’ requests in order to keep the status quo. At times, the passive communicator may also minimize their own contributions and not take cred- it for hard work. Passive individuals may struggle in win-win situations and leader- ship positions due to the inability to effec- tively communicate. 5 The passive-aggressive communication “THE OVERARCHING GOAL OF CONFLICT MANAGEMENT IS TO IMPROVE OUTCOMES OF EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION AND CONFLICT RESOLUTION.”
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