HJAR Nov/Dec 2023

52 NOV / DEC 2023 I  HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF ARKANSAS NURSING to healthcare team training. The focus is on patient engagement, adaptability, active learning, and addressing contemporary healthcare challenges to make it a viable resource. The integration of virtual leadership is imperative to the value of teamwork. With digital platforms supporting virtual healthcare, creating trust is fundamen- tal whether virtual or face-to-face. Being present virtually through digital health platforms maintains a strong online pres- ence to engage, offer support, and provide information remotely. 8 Frequent interac- tion is key to maintaining strong relation- ships virtually with team members. This principle highlights the importance of reg- ular communication for care coordination and ensures all team members are on the same page. Understanding and appreciating the values of the healthcare team is essential to fostering a collaborative and inclusive environment. Conducting regular perfor- mance reviews is invaluable for profes- sionals to assess and improve their prac- tice continually. In a world of e-learning platforms, individuals must continue to investigate ongoing education and profes- sional development, including the impact of online training. Regular evaluation en- sures best practices, care quality, and the necessary retooling and training to remain effective leaders. Sherman and Cohn challenged profes- sionals to consider constructive feedback as a gift to help improve leadership and team building. 9 When asking team mem- bers for feedback, consider using these questions to encourage constructive and actionable responses: • What should I keep doing as a lead- er because it supports the team and leads to good outcomes? This ques- tion encourages feedback on your existing behaviors and actions that have been beneficial in identifying strengths and reinforcing positive as- pects of the leadership style. • What should I start doing to support team efforts and achieve better out- comes? This question invites sugges- tions for improvement and highlights areas where changes or new strate- gies are needed. • What should I stop doing to support the team and achieve better out- comes? This question encourages team members to identify any coun- terproductive behaviors or habits that may hinder teamwork or results. It provides an opportunity for self-re- flection and adjustment. Successful team leadership requires leaders to act on feedback. When posing the questions, it is important to create a safe and open environment where team members feel comfortable providing hon- est feedback. Additionally, actively listen to the responses, acknowledge the feedback received, and demonstrate a commitment to making positive changes based on the input received. This approach fosters a culture of continuous improvement to strengthen team dynamics. 9 This creates shared responsibility among the team and a willingness to hold each other account- able for a supportive work environment that results in better patient outcomes. Redefining teamwork in healthcare is a forward-thinking approach that recogniz- es the pivotal role of effective teamwork to achieve the best outcomes. It encourages professionals to prioritize collaboration, embrace interprofessional dynamics, and continually develop teamwork skills. n REFERENCES 1 World Health Organization. “Framework for ac- tion on interprofessional education and collabo- rative practice.” Reference WHO/HRH/HPN/10.3 (Sept. 1, 2010). https://www.who.int/publica- tions/i/item/framework-for-action-on-interpro- fessional-education-collaborative-practice 2 Quality and Safety Education for Nurses, Case Western Reserve University. “QSEN Institute Competencies.” Accessed September 2023. https://www.qsen.org/competencies-pre-licen- sure-ksas 3 Masters, K. Role Development in Professional Nursing Practice (5th ed.). Burlington, Massachu- setts: Jones & Bartlett Learning, Dec. 17, 2018. 4 Lencioni, P. Overcoming the Five Dysfunctions of a Team (1st ed.). Jossey-Bass, March 2005. 5 Taylor, C. R.; Lynn, P. B.; Bartlett, J. L. Fundamen- tals of Nursing (10th ed.). Wolters Kluwer, Sept. 20, 2022. 6 Altmiller, G. “Interprofessional Teamwork and Collaboration,” in Introduction to Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (2nd ed.), ed. Kel- ly, P.; Vottero, B.A.; Christie-McAuliffe, C.A. New York, New York: Springer, 2018. 7 Umscheid, M.D.; Haugstetter, M. “With Team- STEPPS 3.0, AHRQ Refreshes a Landmark Pa- tient Safety Training Curriculum.” Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Sept. 12, 2023. https://www.ahrq.gov/news/blog/ahrqviews/ teamstepps-30.html 8 Grossman, S.C.; Valiga, T.M. The New Leadership Challenge (6th ed.). Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: F.A. Davis Co, Jan. 1, 2020. 9 Sherman, R.O.; Cohn, T.M. “Benefits of feedback for nurse leaders.” American Nurse Journal 16, no. 5 (May 2021): 14-16. https://www.myameri - cannurse.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/ an5-Feedback-421.pdf “Understanding and appreciating the values of the healthcare team is essential to fostering a collaborative and inclusive environment.”