HJAR Nov/Dec 2023

50 NOV / DEC 2023 I  HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF ARKANSAS NURSING COLUMN NURSING A SINGULAR PROFESSION has never de- livered healthcare alone, as healthcare is inherently multidisciplinary. The health- care profession requires teamwork, which has historically been considered simply practicing skills beside or in the presence of other healthcare professionals. There was a paradigm shift in the standard of care for teamwork and collaboration in the early 2000s. Multiple healthcare dis- ciplines and global health experts exam- ined the impact of effective teamwork on quality care outcomes. The World Health Organization (WHO) described teamwork as an interprofessional collaborative prac- tice with multiple health workers from dif- ferent professional backgrounds working with patients, families, careers, and com- munities to deliver the highest quality of care.1 The Quality and Safety Education of Nurses (QSEN) further recognized the competency of teamwork and collabo- ration as functioning effectively within interprofessional teams with open com- munication, mutual respect, and shared decision-making to achieve quality patient care.2 Redefining teamwork requires pro- viders to examine their unique cognizance of collaboration through self-assessment. COLLABORATIVE PRACTICE SELF- ASSESSMENT The ultimate goal and purpose of team- work in healthcare is to achieve the high- est quality patient care and improved outcomes. Teamwork and care coordina- tion with other healthcare professionals reduce redundancies, deficits, and errors. 3 A self-assessment can spotlight a profes- sional’s strengths, challenges, and collab- orative practice skills to improve team dynamics. Masters posed the following questions for consideration in her book Role Development in Professional Nursing Practice: 1. What strengths will I bring to col- laborative practice? Reflect on your strengths, skills, and experiences that can contribute positively to a team, such as time management skills. Recognizing and leveraging these strengths will enhance your personal team role. 2. What challenges will I bring to col- laborative practice? Self-awareness is crucial in collaborative practice. Con- sider any challenges or limitations you may bring to a team, such as per- sonal bias, communication barriers, or personal tendencies. Identify areas for improvement of personal change to support the team dynamics. 3. How will this self-assessment change my collaborative practice skills? De- velop strategies to improve using re- sources and training for interacting interdependently. Set clear goals for self-improvement, and actively work on becoming a more effective collab- orative professional. 3 Consider the following outcomes of teamwork as you work through your self-assessment: • Collaborations: Teamwork encour- ages professionals to understand and respect each other’s roles and contri- butions. • Adaptability: Teams must be adapt- able and resilient to handle unexpect- ed challenges, such as public health emergencies or natural disasters. • Costs: Improved teamwork can lead to more efficient and cost-effective REDEFINING TEAMWORK: Interprofessional Collaboration Carolyn Hunter-Layne, MSN, MBA, MSE, RN Assistant Professor University of Arkansas Little Rock School of Nursing