HJAR Mar/Apr 2023

40 MAR / APR 2023 I  HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF ARKANSAS ADH CORNER COLUMN ADH CORNER FOR MANY PEOPLE in Arkansas, mental health has become their most pressing health need. For this reason, assisting patients to find the help they need has become more impor- tant than ever. The Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) encourages everyone to talk to their doctor, a trusted family member, or a friend if they are struggling emotionally or have concerns about their mental health, es- pecially if they have thoughts about suicide. We encourage healthcare workers to ask their patients about their mental health issues. We also encourage healthcare workers to talk about their own mental health needs with someone they trust. Recent public health and economic concerns are a strain on everyone — including healthcare workers themselves. CAR I NG FOR BURNOUT AND DEPRESS I ON in Arkansas One mental health special concern is depression. Depression is a common but serious mood disorder that can affect how people feel, think, and handle daily activities like sleeping, eating, or working. Signs of de- pression include persistent sadness, anxiety, or empty mood; feeling hopeless or pessi- mistic; feeling irritable, frustrated, or rest- less; or feeling guilty, worthless, or helpless. Depression can also cause loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies or activities; decreased energy, fatigue or feeling slowed down; diffi- culty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions. Other symptoms include aches or pains, headaches, cramps, or digestive prob- lems without a clear physical cause that does not ease even with treatment. Untreated depression can lead to suicide, but just because someone is depressed does not mean they are considering suicide. How- ever, thoughts of death or suicide, as well as suicide attempts, are another sign of depres- sion. Suicide is among the leading causes of death in Arkansas. In 2021, 617 Arkansans died by suicide, making it the 11th leading cause of death in our state. Suicides are potentially preventable, and we all need to make a committed effort to work together to prevent them. People who are having thoughts of suicide often exhibit some warning signs indicating they are in crisis. Warning signs include talk- ing about wanting to die, looking for a way to kill oneself, talking about feeling hopeless