HJAR Sep/Oct 2022
42 SEP / OCT 2022 I HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF ARKANSAS MEDICAID COLUMN MEDICAID for providers and serves as a useful manage- ment tool. This process replaces the previ- ous mechanism for reporting and payment through theArkansas MedicaidManagement Information System (MMIS). Upon implementation of the EVV program, caregivers are required to electronically re- cord information about: • Types of services provided • Dates and times of services. • Information about the person who is providing the services. • Clock-in and clock-out times for the visit. Arkansas selected AuthentiCare as the THE Arkansas Department of Human Ser- vices (DHS) last year implemented a new pro- cess known as the Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) process with all self-directed clients, employers, and their employees/caregivers enrolled in IndependentChoices orARChoic- es programs. This implementation is in direct response to a federal mandate known as the 21st Century Cures Act. EVV is a process that uses electronic means to verify caregiver visits when they are in the participant’s home to provide care. This federal mandate is designed to enhance the quality and accuracy of services provided. It also helps strengthen the overall operations ELECTRONIC Visit Verification (EVV) state EVV vendor. In addition, the state chose to allow providers to utilize the state- provided AuthentiCare product or choose a different third-party EVV vendor. If provid- ers chose their own EVV vendor, that vendor must integrate with the state’s EVV aggrega- tor, provided by AuthentiCare. The rollout for the new EVV system expe- rienced some obstacles and revealed areas for improvement in the system, especially around timely payment to providers. Due to these payment and integration issues, some providers have been slow to adopt EVV, even though it is a federal requirement. Feedback from provider outreach indicates many
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