HJAR Nov/Dec 2022

42 NOV / DEC 2022 I  HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF ARKANSAS CHILDREN’S HEALTH COLUMN CHILDREN’S HEALTH ARKANSAS CHILDREN’S, like many orga- nizations, conducts a Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) every three years. We have recently engaged in deep listening in communities and, through primary and secondary data collection, identified the top health needs affecting the more than 700,000 children living in 75 counties across our state. After data collection, we used a collaborative rating and weighting process. What emerged for the 2022 CHNA is a prioritized list of health needs identifying food insecurity as a primary priority for Arkansas. Arkansas is ranked 4th highest in the nation in child food insecurity. We rank highest in mea- surements of overall population experi- encing very low food security, which is de- fined by the United States Department of Agriculture as “reports of multiple indica- tions of disrupted eating patterns and re- duced food intake.” Feeding America food insecurity rates demonstrate that from county to county in our state, 20-50% of children do not have enough to eat. Almost half of Arkansas households that receive the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits have children under the age of 18. We know this does not comprise all families eligible for this benefit. Over half of key informants interviewed in the Arkansas Children’s CHNA focus groups and stakeholder interviews mentioned food and nutrition among the most im- portant issues negatively impacting chil- dren’s health. As the recent public health emergency comes to an end, Arkansas, like many states, is likely to be impacted by changes in federal programs that may affect access and affordability of nutritious foods for children. Making Food Security a Top Priority