HJAR Sep/Oct 2021

60 SEP / OCT 2021  I  HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF ARKANSAS Hospital Rounds Pitt Community College, Bachelor of Science in Nursing from University of San Francisco, Master of Science in Nursing and Health Systems Leader- ship from University of California – San Francisco, and Master of Business Administration from Nich- olls State University in Thibodaux, Louisiana. Trisha Montague, who has served as executive vice president and interim chief operations offi- cer for the last 10 months, will retire at the end of June. She was responsible for helping develop and lead Arkansas Children’s Northwest in Spring- dale and stepped into the interim chief opera- tions officer position last summer, playing an inte- gral role in the search for a permanent successor. Conway Regional Health System Announces Accreditation for Internal Medicine Residency Program Conway Regional Health System has received approval from the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) to begin an internal medicine residency program with a first class of residents in July 2022. “Receiving accreditation for our second Gradu- ate Medical Education Program is a result of our ongoing strategic effort to increase the number of medical students receiving their education in Arkansas and increasing access to care in Con- way and the surrounding area,” said Matt Troup, president and CEO of Conway Regional Health System. “Our team is excited about this new facet of Conway Regional. We are committed to equip- ping our internal medicine residents with expe- rience and skills to be great clinicians. There is a need for internal medicine physicians in our state, and I believe our hospital is uniquely qualified to train young doctors on their path to independent practice,” said Greg Kendrick, MD, Internal Medi- cine Residency Program director. Five residents will have the opportunity to match with Conway Regional through the Residency Matching Program in March 2022 and will begin their first day of residency on July 1, 2022. Arkansas Children’s Campaign for a Healthier Tomorrow Announces $1MGift The statewide Campaign for a Healthier Tomor- row led by Arkansas Children’s Foundation cele- brated a $1 million gift from Melanie and Edwin Wells to establish an endowment supporting the CEO Strategic Initiatives Fund at Arkansas Children’s. “Melanie and Edwin Wells have a deep com- mitment to improving child health and their com- munity,” said Fred Scarborough, president of the Arkansas Children’s Foundation. “Endowments, such as theirs, fuel long-term strategic growth and help deliver the best possible care to the children of Arkansas. We are incredibly thankful for this gift and their longtime support.” The campaign for a Healthier Tomorrow led by Arkansas Children’s Foundation celebrated a $1 million gift from Melanie and Edwin Wells to establish an endowment supporting the CEO Strategic Initiatives Fund at Arkansas Children’s.