HJAR Sep/Oct 2021
HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF ARKANSAS I SEP / OCT 2021 45 Mellie Boagni Bridewell Chief Executive Officer Arkansas Rural Health Partnership Substance Use Disorder Education and Support In an effort to address treatment for Sub- stance Use Disorder patients, ARHP has fa- cilitated efforts to assist with increasing the number of MAT waivered providers from one to nine providers in South Arkansas; promoted UAMS AR-IMPACT and MATRI- ARC; provided SBIRT training to providers; worked with UAMS to develop LearnOn- Demand training on naloxone and opioid use, tapering and withdrawal, alternatives to opioids, risks and side effects of opioid use; and provided access to SUD counseling for patients in ARHPmember clinics. Telehealth Resource Centers ARHP has partnered with UAMS In- stitute for Digital Health & Innovation to expand their South Central Telehealth Re- source Center to three sites in theArkansas Delta region (Lake Village, Helena and Pine Bluff), which will open next month. These satellite resource centers will provide tele- health training and support to healthcare providers and patients including usage of telehealth equipment and wearables and the capabilities of monitoring and utilizing telehealth to address lack of transporta- tion and access to healthcare in rural South Arkansas. Swing Bed Program ARHPworks with Critical Access Hospital members to increase their revenue and pa- tient volume through a quality and effective swing bed program. The program includes assisting hospitals with staff education, bill- ing education, marketing and coordination assistance, and support to increase patient volume and create quality care for recov- ering patients close to home. The program began in October and has already demon- strated an increase in swing bed usage in participating CAHs. Contract Negotiation and Vendor Facilitation ARHP staff works with vendors and in- surance companies for rate adjustments, discounted pricing and collaborative con- tracting. To date, this has included insur- ance rate adjustments, discounted pricing on medical equipment, 340B consulting, RURAL HOSPITAL AND CLINIC SUSTAINABILITY AND VITALITY HEALTHCARE PROVIDER TRAINING, EDUCATION AND SUPPORT SERVICES CONT. revenue cycle management, compliance software, IT solutions, radiology services, ER services, medical utilization software, PR/marketing, recruiting, etc. Professional Roundtables ARHP regularly schedules meetings with member directors from departments across member organizations (nursing, finance, radiology, materials management, etc.) to facilitate communication, efficiency, rev- enue production and cost savings within our network. To date, ARHP is responsible for coordinating 15 different focus groups with an emphasis on improving operations for our facilities. These roundtables became extremely important during COVID-19 as some met with more frequency, and the communication built in the months prior really helped facilitate supply distribution, bed availability, equipment needs, etc. Staffing Agency Review and Development ARHP is currently working to examine how we can possibly decrease nurse staff- ing cost for our facilities. ARHP is work- ing to develop an internal network to help decrease travel nurse costs while allowing nurses who would like to travel to have an option within the state. Due to infrastructure cost/development and after discussion with partner agencies and looking at the feasi- bility, it appears as though partnering with an agency with the understanding that the ultimate goal is to develop an internal net- work is the first step in our most favorable way to succeed in the long term. Laundry Linen Assessment and Development ARHP has been working with a consul- tant to develop startup costs for a laundry/ linen facility to be developed in Pine Bluff to service all our facilities. ARHP leadership
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