HJAR Sep/Oct 2021
HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF ARKANSAS I SEP / OCT 2021 19 registered nurses to support the added COVID volume seen in the Emergency Department. In total, we plan to hire roughly 100 full-time associates, which will include environmental services, dietary staff and more. The funds awarded from the American Rescue PlanAct of 2021 are to be used for 60 days and could be extended if the demand for COVID beds remains. The Joint Budget Committee was concerned about keeping Arkansas nurses in Arkansas and commit- ted these funds to bring in nurses who are currently out of state. We are fortunate to get these funds, but they do not solve all of our problems. We have to continue to get additional staffing. We have staffing shortages in all areas of care across our health system. How is the PPE supply at your facilities? You know, we’ve really been blessed in this area. Throughout the pandemic, we have not run out of PPE supplies. Early in the pandemic, we were getting low on cer- tain supplies, and just then a local business, without being asked, donated the exact sup- plies we needed at that time. Since then, we haven’t had to fear for lack of PPE through proactive purchasing and distribution. Do you anticipate requiring the COVID-19 vaccine for all teammembers, employed providers, residents, students in clinical rotations, contract staff and volunteers? Vaccinations are a hot topic of conversa- tion across the state and nation. Many hos- pitals across the nation and inArkansas are moving toward mandatory vaccinations for their associates. Unity Health will not be making vaccinations mandatory for asso- ciates at this time. However, we will com- ply with Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Service conditions of participation and all federal and state laws. Meaning, our stance may be altered if we are mandated to do so. I believe our associates chose healthcare as a calling to serve and minister to others in their times of need. I also feel they have educated themselves on the vaccination and made a conscious decision to either take or decline the vaccination. I believe they have taken into consideration the impact their vaccination decision has on their family, coworkers and communities Unity Health serves and have come to the conclusion with which they are most comfortable. Unity Health is fortunate to have an edu- cated and compassionate team, and I trust their decisions. Evidence shows COVID vaccines to be safe and effective in reducing the chances of a severe outcome, hospitalization or death. The vaccines also reduce both the risk of becoming infected and spreading the virus to others. Unity Health supports and encourages all associates receiving the COVID vaccines. Doing so will help protect the health and well-being of the communi- ties we serve. What is the biggest lesson you, as an administrator, have learned during this pandemic, and what do you see as the biggest challenges for rural hospital facilities? Before the pandemic hit, I was confident our team could tackle any challenge. So, when COVID emerged in Arkansas in the spring of 2020, I really never questioned if we could handle it, but I did question how. I have to say, through the pandemic, we have been able to do things as a team I didn’t think possible. I always knew our associ- ates and caregivers would rise to the chal- lenge in the face of adversity, but they have gone unbelievably above and beyond in this overwhelming and unprecedented situation. Our team has been able to thrive in adver- sity. And boy, has there been adversity. In addition, we have received a lot of community support. It’s been extremely encouraging. The biggest challenge for rural hospitals is the continued financial pressures we all face: pre-pandemic, during the pandemic and post-pandemic. The pandemic has defi- nitely added a new layer to the fight for tal- ent and staffing, which further impedes and disadvantages rural facilities. Unity Health is part of the Mayo Clinic Care Network. Tell us about the network, why and how you joined, and what it means to your practitioners and patients. Unity Health is a member of the Mayo Clinic Care Network (MCCN), and our pro- viders can work closely with Mayo Clinic specialists to benefit patients and keep more care close to home. Unity Health passed Mayo’s comprehensive evaluation process that included an in-depth review of our organization, our clinical and business practices and our quality, safety and service efforts. This honor is a direct reflection of the teamwork of all of our caregivers, their commitment to the Unity Health mission and their dedication to providing quality, compassionate care to every patient, every time. We were selected to join the MCCN, because we share a common philosophy, commitment and mission to improve the delivery of healthcare through high-quality, data-driven, evidence-based medical care and treatment. By working together, Mayo Clinic and Unity Health look to build new ways to deliver the best possible care to patients and their families, in our community. We believe healthcare should always be pro- vided as close to home as possible. As part of the Mayo Clinic Care Network, Unity Health physicians can access Mayo’s clin- ical resources and collaborate with Mayo specialists, ensuring that patients can ben- efit from Mayo’s knowledge and expertise locally and need to travel outside the region for care only when necessary. Through our collaboration, Unity Health physicians have direct access toMayo Clinic clinical resources including: • eConsults. Providers within the care network can connect electronically with Mayo Clinic specialists and
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