HJAR Jul/Aug 2021
38 JUL / AUG 2021 I HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF ARKANSAS RURAL HEALTH K-12 Pipeline ARHP (in partnership with UAMS College of Medicine) has continued to provide “grow your own healthcare pipeline” programs focusing on the development of interest, scholarship and engagement of elemen- tary, middle and high school students into the field of healthcare (allied health, nursing andmedical fields). This past year, ARHP and UAMS providedACT prep class scholarships, iPads and calculators to 24 high school se- niors wishing to enter the healthcare field. In May, ARHP, UAMS and CHCAwill introduce their new health careers workforce mobile unit that will be available at local schools and hospitals to mentor students wanting to enter into a healthcare field. The experience will include some simulation experience, discussion with healthcare professionals in COLUMN RURAL HEALTH various fields and college counseling ser- vices. ARHPwill also be developing a health- care careers video to be shown in schools throughout South Arkansas. College Student Internships ARHP (in partnership with UAMS College of Medicine) has 40 available paid intern- ships this summer for high school seniors and college students preparing to go into a healthcare field. These students will work inARHP hospitals and within theARHP or- ganization. Students will be trained as com- munity health workers, mental health first aid and more. Medical School Preceptorships ARHP has partnered with UAMS Col- lege of Medicine and Arkansas College of Osteopathic Medicine to assist with the coordination and scheduling of medical school student clinical rotations with board certified physicians throughout the South Arkansas region. Each college has desig- nated coordinators who reside in the service area and work closely with these students throughout their experience. In 2020-2021, ARHP providers had 140 medical student rotations through these initiatives. Rural Residency Training Track ARHP is working closely with UAMS and ARCOM to develop a new Rural Residency Training Program in South Arkansas with the entire residency experience within the rural setting. PartneringARHPmembers in- clude Ashley County Medical Center. Arkansas Rural Health Partnership Program Initiatives HEALTHCARE WORKFORCE PIPELINE Since its formation in 2008, the Arkansas Rural Health Partnership (ARHP) has worked hand-in-hand with its rural hospital CEOs to enhance and support existing infrastructure and capacity across its service area in South Arkansas. The ARHP strives to create and implement sustainable community solutions to improve the healthcare infrastructure and strengthen healthcare delivery in rural Arkansas. Currently, there are program initiatives put in place by the ARHP that address healthcare workforce pipeline, community initiatives/population health, and healthcare provider training, education, and support services in its service area. In this issue, we will focus on the healthcare workforce pipeline and community initiatives/population health.
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