HJAR Jul/Aug 2021
36 JUL / AUG 2021 I HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF ARKANSAS DIALOGUE COLUMN UROLOGY When it comes to treating urological is- sues, patients need support. That support should expand beyond a physician diagnos- ing a condition and simply informing some- one of their treatment options before leaving the exam room. As healthcare providers, it is important to be there for our patients ev- ery step of the way, from checkups to diag- nosis to treatment and beyond. We should be dedicated to treating patients with their unique needs, preferences, situations and medical conditions in mind. That’s because they aren’t just patients, they’re people, and their overall health and quality of life should be our first priority. why treating the WHOLE PATIENT is important At Arkansas Urology, prostate cancer is one of the most common diagnoses we treat. It’s not an easy diagnosis for patients to hear, but with proper support and a trans- parent approach, our patients knowwhat to expect no matter the treatment option they select. We believe it’s very important to take the time to explain possibilities and path- ways with every patient who is diagnosed with prostate cancer or any other type of cancer or condition. It’s also imperative that patients know about the side effects they may experience so they knowwhat to expect, aren’t caught off guard and can plan accord- ingly. For example, surgery to treat prostate cancer can lead to erectile dysfunction, uri- nary incontinence and infertility. Radiation therapy may cause painful uri- nation, fatigue, rectal problems, frequent uri- nation and cystitis. Giving patients a general outline of what to expect — and creating a flexible plan — can truly make a world of dif- ference and help patients feel less anxious and unsettled about a diagnosis. Valuing patients enough to open a line of genuine communication with them pre- pares them to navigate a difficult, uncer- tain or uncomfortable part of their lives with more confidence. By working together with a variety of healthcare providers, from
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