HJAR Sep/Oct 2020

28 SEP / OCT 2020  I  HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF ARKANSAS   Healthcare Briefs board. The board is made up of a diverse group of external stakeholders who are committed to pub- lic health in Arkansas. The board supports the college initiatives and helps create opportunities for students and faculty. Additionally, they assist in developing financial resources that meet the mission of the college. David Rainey, EdD, retired educator and state legislator, serves as the presi- dent of the board. The advisory board members are: Leon Catlett of Little Rock Catlett serves as president and chief execu- tive officer of MSI Lodging Systems. Catlett received a bachelor’s degree from the Univer- sity of Arkansas, Fayetteville. Rep. Vivian Flowers of Pine Bluff Flowers is serving her third term in the Arkan- sas House of Representatives for District 17, which includes part of Jefferson County. She earned a bachelor’s degree in political science and technical writing from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock and a master’s degree from the Clinton School of Public Service. Beverly Foster of Little Rock Foster has practiced chiropractic medicine in Little Rock for over 25 years. She completed undergraduate degrees at the University of Missouri, Columbia and the Sorbonne, Paris. She was a graduate assistant at the University Leon Catlett Rep. Vivian Flowers Beverly Foster Beverly Foti Bess Heisler Ginty Drew Kumpuris Jerry Martin Paige Newman Alan Perlman Marilyn Porter James W. Wallis