HJAR May/Jun 2020

54 MAY / JUN 2020 I  HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF ARKANSAS ORAL HEALTH REFERENCES 1 Cullinan, M.P., Ford, P.J., Seymour, G.J., Periodontal Disease and Systemic Health: Current Status. Aus. Dent.J. vol 54, Sept. 2009 p 562-569. 2 Matthews, D., The Relationship Between Diabetes and Periodontal Disease. J Can Dent Assoc. 2002. 68(3):161-4. 3 Kim,E.,et al.Association between Diabetes-Related Factors and Clinical Periodontal Parameters inType-2 Diabetes Mellitus. BMC Oral Health 13,:64 2013. 4 Seymour,G.,et al.Relationship between Periodontal Infections and Systemic Disease. Clin. Micro. Infect. 2007: 13 (Suppl. 4):3-10. 5 Daniel, R, et al., Diabetes and Periodontal Disease.J. PharmBioallied Sci.2012Aug;4(Suppl 2): S280-282. 6 Freire,M.,Diabetes and Periodontal Diseases.J.Am Acad of Perio. Feb 2017. 7 Norbeck T. B. (2013). Drivers of health care costs. A Physicians Foundation white paper - second of a three-part series. Missouri medicine, 110(2), 113–118. 8 Hanes, P., Krishna, R., Characteristics of Inflamma- tion common to both diabetes and periodontitis: are predictive diagnosis and targeted preventivemeasures possible? EPMAJournal vol. 1, pg 101-116 (2010) 9 Stanko,P.,Holla,L.,BidirectionalAssociation between Diabetes Mellitus and Inflammatory Periodontal Dis- ease. Epub 2014 Jan. 27. 10 Demmer,R.,et al.The Influence ofType 1 andType 2 Diabetes on Periodontal Disease Progression Diabetes Care 2012 Oct; 35(10): 2036-2042. 11 Bui ,F.et al.Association Between Periodontal Patho- gens and Systemic Disease.BiomedJ.2019 Feb; 42(1): 27–35. 12 Mealey,B.Periodontal Disease and Diabetes.Atwo- way Street. J AmDent Assoc. 2008 Mar;139(3):252. 13 Leite, R., Marlow, N., Fernandes, J., Oral Health and Type 2 Diabetes. Am J Med Sci. 2013 Apr;345(4):271-273. 14 Bharateesh, J., et al. Diabetes and Oral Health: A Case -Control Study. Int J Prev Mws; 2012 Nov. 3(11): 806-809 overlooked when trying to control and treat other problems associated with diabetes. This contributes to heightened problems and un- due suffering in oral health issues. Oral con- ditions of known diabetic patients include xerostomia, burning mouth syndrome, loss of taste, tooth infections, and ulcerations of the oral mucosa. An oral exam often detects these findings, and can assist in the pre-di- abetic diagnosis. Healthcare professionals should be educated about the common and oral manifestations of diabetes 14 . This edu- cation should include recommending more frequent visits to dental providers to combat the periodontal implications associated with diabetes. Diabetes could be the most dreaded and silent epidemic health problem in the near future. It is paramount for medical and den- tal professionals to collaborate on treatment plans which achieve better health outcomes for patients with periodontal disease and dia- betes. Including treatment plan recommen- dations in changing lifestyle choices in diet and habits is essential in chronic dis-ease. Medical-dental integration in establishing measures to provide better health outcomes will benefit patients’health and public health awareness comprehensively. Acknowledging that oral health is essential to overall health is a great place to start. n and numerous treatments to control symp- toms and progression of the disease states 10 . It is essential for healthcare providers to un- derstand these complex interactions in or- der to arrive at a treatment plan to provide optimal care. On a positive note, periodontal treatment decreases diabetic symptoms, which identi- fies and confirms the association and impor- tance of oral health in overall health 11 . Most research on the relationship between diabe- tes and periodontal disease has focused on how diabetes may affect periodontal status. However, a growing body of evidence has also examined the converse relationship of how periodontal diseases affect the meta- bolic state in the diabetic patient 12 . Healthcare providers have a unique op- portunity when treating patients who have diabetes, periodontal disease, or both. When treating a known diabetic patient, the pro- vider has an advantage in recognizing that this special population of patients has an increased risk of developing periodontitis due to their poorly controlled serum glucose. Periodontal treatment decreases intra-oral inflammation, thus aiding in hyperglycemic control 13 . When providers know these associ- ations, combating these interrelated diseases aids in achieving better health outcomes. Caring for the oral cavity is often “Diabetes could be the most dreaded and silent epidemic health problem in the near future. It is paramount for medical and dental professionals to collaborate on treatment plans which achieve better health outcomes for patients with periodontal disease and diabetes.”