HJAR May/Jun 2020
32 MAY / JUN 2020 I HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF ARKANSAS Healthcare Briefs at the Bradley Medical Plaza, individuals should follow signs to the Urgent Care Respiratory Illness Clinic, which will have a dedicated entrance. Indi- viduals with other urgent care needs not related to respiratory illness should call their primary care physician, or visit one of Washington Region- al’s other Urgent Care locations in Bentonville, Springdale, Rogers, or Harrison. Retired Physician Volunteers Receive No-Cost Malpractice Coverage during COVID-19 Pandemic As U.S. healthcare systems are being tested to the limit during the COVID-19 pandemic, The Doctors Company has announced that it will pro- vide free medical professional liability coverage to retired physicians formerly insured by the com- pany who volunteer during the crisis. “Today, our mission to advance, protect, and reward the practice of good medicine is more important than ever. We appreciate our mem- bers’ lifesaving work during this crisis and want to make it as easy as possible for our retired mem- bers to assist,” said Richard E. Anderson, MD, FACP, chairman and chief executive officer of The Doctors Company. To qualify, a retired healthcare professional must be providing professional services for no fee, sal- ary, or other compensation—with the exception of expenses incurred delivering those services. Retired former members of The Doctors Com- pany interested in the free coverage can com- plete an online form or call (800) 421-2368, and press 1 for Member Services, then 6 for cover- age activation. Retired members considering volunteering can find more information at “COVID-19 Malpractice Coverage FAQs.” All healthcare providers can visit “COVID-19 Resource Center for Healthcare Professionals” to keep up to date on the pan- demic. n
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