HJAR Mar/Apr 2020
HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF ARKANSAS I MAR / APR 2020 11 an office document, the VHR retrieves and shows all available data gathered from all participating clinical sites to create a sin- gle, consolidated view of a patient’s health history. The following patient data can be viewed through SHARE’s Virtual Health Record (VHR): • Admission, discharge, and transfer data • Allergies, problems, and medications • Demographic and insurance information • Laboratory results and radiology reports • Discharge summaries • Continuity of Care Documents (CCDs) • Progress notes Over the last several years, Arkansas accomplish project goals, including inte- gration with multiple hospitals and clinics. OHIT also collaborates with the Arkansas Medicaid Program to provide daily notifica- tion reports to providers when patients are admitted/discharged from the emergency department (ED), and inpatient discharges through SHARE. SHARE also supports health systems and professionals to securely transmit clinical information across institu- tions—an important and required capability expected by accreditors and privacy regu- lations. This centralized functionality can save individual sites the cost and burden of contracting with external vendors. SHARE also organizes a Virtual Health Record (VHR), which displays information much like a traditional clinical chart. Unlike healthcare has transitioned to several forms of alternative payment methods. These new arrangements provide financial incentives to clinics, hospitals, and group practices to manage the patient journey for a clini- cal problem, and not pay just for a visit or procedure. Accountability for a patient’s care over time requires an understanding of when they seek care at other facilities for unexpected changes in their clinical status. Many clinic administrators now review their morning reports from SHARE to plan outreach activities for that day’s clinical operations. Since 2016, SHARE has trans- mitted nearly 5,000,000 ADTs to Arkansas providers. SHARE staff interacts with Health Infor- mation Exchange systems throughout the
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