HJAR Jul/Aug 2020

HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF ARKANSAS I  JUL / AUG 2020 63 For weekly eNews updates and to read the journal online, visit HealthcareJournalAR.com “That’s why all Arkansas Children’s facilities are open and ready to serve kids and families 24/7 with doctors, nurses, and staff who know kids best.” Arkansas Children’s hospitals and clinics are tak- ing many important steps to ensure families are safe when they visit. Families will experience: • Deep cleaning practices that exceed CDC specifications, including extra attention to high-touch areas like light switches, sink fau- cets, and restrooms • Masks on all fellow patients, visitors, and healthcare providers • A detailed screening process that includes checking for fever • Personal protective equipment (PPE) on healthcare providers • More room in waiting areas to allow for social distancing “Parents should not fear taking their child to the doctor. Pediatricians across our state are tak- ing similar steps to keep kids safe in their prac- tices,” said Rick Barr, MD, pediatrician in chief for Arkansas Children’s and chair of the Department of Pediatrics in the University of Arkansas for Med- ical Sciences College of Medicine. “Vaccines are scientifically proven to be among the safest and most effective ways to protect chil- dren and babies from diseases ranging frommea- sles to meningitis,” Barr said. “If routine care is delayed, we will see a rise in other health prob- lems that may be more harmful to children than COVID-19.” The American Academy of Pediatrics recom- mends multiple well-child care visits per year for children younger than three years of age and yearly primary care visits for older children and adolescents. Families should call their pediatricians’ offices to discuss appointment options and which vaccines their children need. n “For kids to stay healthy, families must ensure vaccines, keep doctor’s appointments and seek emergency care for the usual bumps and breaks of childhood.”