HJAR Jul/Aug 2020

44 JUL / AUG 2020 I  HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF ARKANSAS COLUMN NEUROLOGY MANY patients, even those who may have suffered traumatic injuries, are delaying care. Avoiding the hospital and delaying care does more than simply extend the time needed to recover from an injury. It often means al- lowing a treatable condition to become a life-threatening emergency. In the case of a stroke, it could also mean the difference be- tween a full recovery, or living with severe functional deficits the rest of their life. Think of a stroke as a brain attack. A clot or bleeding blood vessel begins to starve the brain of oxygen. To ensure the best possible outcome, patients require care within three hours of the first signs of a stroke. Without that oxygen, brain cells begin to die within minutes. Once they die, they cannot be re- placed. Time = Brain. Every minute matters, and not only saves lives, but gives patients the opportunity to live long, full lives. STROKE and the Danger of Delaying Emergency Care As hospitals and the healthcare community resume many services put on hold for the initial response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we see a new and disturbing trend unfolding.