HJAR Jan/Feb 2020
48 JAN / FEB 2020 I HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF ARKANSAS DIALOGUE Tim Langford, MD Arkansas Urology COLUMN UROLOGY “EACH PATIENT carries his own doctor inside him,” wrote Norman Cousins in Anatomy of an Illness . In other words, we have agency to affect our own wellness. The bestseller from 1979 doesn’t foretell the effect the new personal computer would have on patient care. No, we can’t wave our smartphone over our hurt and get relief—not yet. But we can pull themout to access health records, review lab results, even type quick messages to our doctors or make our next appointment. Cousins’point is no less relevant, however. When healthcare providers talk about improving outcomes, patients are a big part of the puzzle. Nearly a decade ago, then- Surgeon General Regina Benjamin said, “Improving the nation’s health literacy is critical to creating a system of care based on wellness and prevention.” Still, as many as “9 in 10 [Americans] are not proficient in health literacy,” said an assistant secretary of health recently. As urologists, we have reason to be encouraged. We see many bright and resourceful patients. We know the average Arkansan is more likely than ever to run parallel lines of health inquiry—their doctor or specialist as well as internet search results, from WebMD and Healthline to the Mayo Clinic and Cleveland Clinic. They also have adopted chic biofeedback devices such as Fitbits and Apple Watches, and health- related apps such as MyFitnessPal (diet) and Livestrong MyQuit Coach (smoking cessation). For this reason, providers are introducing online patient portals. Such platforms are frontline tactics for raising health literacy because they meet patients where they are. Adoption of smartphones amongAmericans 65 and up has nearly quadrupled in the last five years, and home internet acquisition has jumped more steeply for seniors than for any other age group. Online patient portals are optimized and responsive to mobile devices. It’s a convenient way to do any of these: • Make and view appointments • Exchange secure messages with staff • See test results and view your Care Summary (and previous office notes) • View and download health records and transmit them to other providers • View account statements and pay balances • Update your personal information • Get directions and see us in person Portals and other online offerings with attendant smartphone apps are convenient YOURHEALTH In Your Hands Be your own best health advocate. It’s easier than ever. Health provider portals, electronic lab results, even direct digital communications has made care more transactional and patient-led.
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