HJAR Jan/Feb 2020
DIALOGUE 10 JAN / FEB 2020 I HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF ARKANSAS Chief Editor Smith W. Hartley Can you tell us a little about the Olivetan Benedictine Sis- ters of the Holy Angels Convent in Jones- boro, and the sisters’ affiliation with St. Bernards Healthcare? Mother Johanna Marie Melnyk St. Bernards had its beginning when a malaria fever epi- demic spread throughout Northeast Arkan- sas. The Olivetan Benedictine Sisters were asked to help take care of the sick. They purchased a six-room frame house on East Matthews in Jonesboro, and set up rooms with cots for beds, and covered orange crates for wash stands. On July 5, 1900, St. Bernards Hospital took its first patients. From those humble beginnings, St. from a wealthy family, and began a career in law, but gradually realized that he was called to dedicate his life entirely to God. He went out into the countryside with two of his friends to live a quiet life of prayer. More men came to join them, and Bernard soon found himself abbot of a large mon- astery at Monte Oliveto. But in 1348, when the Bubonic Plague struck Siena, Bernard and about 80 of his monks decided to leave the safety of the countryside and go back to the city to help the sick. Many of them caught the plague, and in the end, Bernard and half his monks died of it. They were bur- ied anonymously with other victims in large pits. Our mission is to “provide Christ-like healing,”and it’s hard to find a better patron Bernards Healthcare has evolved as the area’s premier healthcare provider, thanks to the Sisters, physicians, community lead- ers, and others who have planned, worked, volunteered, and contributed on its behalf. The Olivetan Benedictine Sisters are founders and sole owners of St. Bernards, just as we always have been. Editor Why was St. Bernards chosen as the facility’s name? Mother Johanna Marie The hospital was named St. Bernards after the Sisters’patron saint, St. Bernard Tolomei, who founded the Olivetan Benedictine Congregation in 1319. He was born in Siena, Italy, in 1272. He came Mother Johanna Marie Melnyk, OSB, was elected Prioress of the Olivetan Benedictine Sisters of Jonesboro, Arkansas, in June 2017. By virtue of this role, she also serves as Chair of the Governing Board for St Bernards Healthcare. A native of Toledo, Ohio, she completed her BA in English at DePaul University in Chicago and her MA and PhD in English Literature at the University of BirminghaminEngland.Aftercompletingherstudies,Mother joinedtheOlivetan Benedictine Sisters at the Priory of Our Lady of Peace in Turvey, England, where shemade solemn vows before transferring toHoly Angels Convent in Jonesboro in 2014. Her ministries have included retreat work and religious education; immediately prior to her election, she served as an English instructor at the diocesan House of Formation in Little Rock. As Prioress, she teaches classes for younger Sisters and oversees the community library.
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