HJAR Sep/Oct 2019

EDITOR’S DESK 8 SEP / OCT 2019  I  HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF ARKANSAS   Smith Hartley Chief Editor editor@healthcarejournalar.com There are so many interesting perspectives in healthcare. That’s why I’ve always been attracted to it. It’s not the typical, traditional, business model. And yes, I found out a couple of weeks ago that I have brain cancer. Don’t feel sorry for me at all. I find the entire experience quite intriguing. I worked 16 years in healthcare leadership and administration, and the past 12 years covering local healthcare as its media. Now, I get to completely watch and engage in the system as a patient. It’s fascinating. We are all patients from time to time. As a patient, you immediately develop an acute sense of caring and intelligence from your healthcare team. Healthcare attracts some wonderful, smart people. That’s why we should all have gratitude for our healthcare workers, especially the good ones. And we should know the difference. I know my type of brain cancer has a pretty certain, yet succinct, remaining life on earth associated with it. But for some odd reason, I accept whatever it is. No one is to blame. We all die. Life is kind of funny like that. There will be people left behind to sort things out, but I’ll do everything I can to make sure they are in a safe and secure place. I also don’t have any regrets. I’m very proud of what we’ve done with the healthcare journals. We’ve always tried to make things better for everyone involved. This will continue. I’m almost embarrassed to say we will be getting better. Covering health- care is important. Our means of doing so is improving. Smart advisory board members, local leaders, excellent correspondents, marketers, etc., allow the healthcare media machine to flourish. Sounds great to me. I really don’t know how much longer I have. Quality of life is important to me, and the team is coordinating a plan with me. I know I’ll give it my best effort to extend life. At the same time, I will enjoy life as I always have. Love, love, love, with give and take. Play and do it, or take time off. It doesn’t seem to matter that much. I may be rambling, but that’s okay too. I realize I may have some rambling liberties going forward. Healthcare is awesome. Hug and appreciate all the good healthcare workers. Let them know you appreciate them. It goes a long way. Oh, and football season is here. It’s time to get excited for that as well. I love football season. Thanks for everything. “Finding out you have brain cancer is an interesting perspective.”