HJAR Sep/Oct 2019
42 SEP / OCT 2019 I HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF ARKANSAS DIALOGUE COLUMN COMMUNITY HEALTH Elderly rural Arkansans face many health challenges because of their environment, and obesity may be the most daunting. Healthy People 2020 encouraged healthcare profes- sionals across the nation to understand and help improve health factors related to social determinants of a patient’s community and lifestyle. Through this initiative and other targeted research, we discovered that as a nation, our ever-growing elderly popula- tion is facing a daily challenge to maintain proper diet and exercise. This is especially true for those living in rural areas, away from the food and exercise variety urban com- munities offer. One solution to the elderly obesity chal- lenge is the creation of programming target- ing our seniors in rural communities similar to Wholesome Rx and gardening. Whole- some Rx was started by Wholesome Wave (wholesomewave.org) , a national program making fresh, locally grown fruits and veg- etables affordable and available to com- munities by giving providers prescribing vouchers for their patients. The vouchers would be redeemable at mobile produce trucks (farm produced-crops) traveling to patients’ homes, or to designated locals within communities. This evidence-based model offers a tangible solution to providers looking to help patients who are at risk of diet-related illness and cannot afford, or do not have access to healthy food. TheWhole- some Rx prescription is accompanied by nu- trition education from a provider, nutrition- ist, or dietitian. The purpose of the program is to empower providers with resources and tools to inspire healthier food choices. This program has been successful in surround- ing states like Texas with addressing obesity. Another program helpful in getting fresh fruits and vegetables to Arkansans is the Northwest Arkansas Farmers’ Market Alli- ance Double Your Dollars Match program. Supplemental NutritionAssistance Program and Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Pro- gram participants may receive a “match” for purchases made at participating NWA TIME FOR NEWSOLUTIONS TO OLD PROBLEMS : AMODEL FOR COMMUNITIES IN ARKANSAS The healthcare future of Arkansas can be bright for our aging population who reside in rural communities. It can be bright when physicians and clinicians, along with patients and community partners, work together for a common purpose. The partnership allows all stakeholders to empower each other to equip patients with raesources they need to improve their quality of life and make the best in- formed decisions regarding their health.
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