HJAR Sep/Oct 2019

IT’S OUR SPECIALITY Delivering! HJAR eNews Subscribe today. subscription@healthcarejournalar.com Copyright© 2019 Healthcare Journal of Arkansas The information contained within has been obtained by Healthcare Journal of Arkansas from sources believed to be reliable. However, because of the possibility of human or mechanical error, Healthcare Journal of Arkansas does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information and is not responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from use of such information. The editor reserves the right to censor, revise, edit, reject or cancel any materials not meeting the standards of Healthcare Journal of Arkansas. September / October 2019 OUR MISSION Healthcare Journal of Arkansas analyzes healthcare for the purpose of optimizing the health of our citizens. Healthcare Journal of Arkansas Advisory Board E. Scot Davis CEO Arkansas Urology Bo Ryall President & CEO Arkansas Hospital Association Kim Turbeville Administrative Director Howard Memorial Diana McDaniel President MGMA Arkansas Chief Editor Smith W. Hartley  shartley@ushealthcarejournals.com Managing Editor Laura Fereday  lfereday@ushealthcarejournals.com Web Editor Betty Backstrom  bbackstrom@ushealthcarejournals.com Editor/Writer Philip Gatto  pgatto@ushealthcarejournals.com Contributors Marshall Allen Correspondents Brittany Blankenship, MSN, RN, CPN; Morgan Butler, MSN, RN, CDE; Heather Cantrell, APN, MNSc, CPNP-AC, BCADM, CDE; William Golden, MD; Tim Langford, MD; John Oden, MD; Nathaniel Smith, MD, MPH; LaShannon Spencer; Scott Street; Joseph W. Thompson, MD, MPH; Bruce Trimble, MA, APR Art Director Laura Busby  Sponsorship Director Dianne Hartley  dhartley@ushealthcarejournals.com Photographer Zoie Clift