HJAR Sep/Oct 2019

HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF ARKANSAS I  SEP / OCT 2019 17 “At Northwest Health, we are passionate about expanding the services for strokes, cardiovascular issues, trauma care, surgical services and obesity.” —Denten Park, Market CEO closely with our primary care providers, our CIN andACO providers, and through com- munity education to help patients under- stand what preventative care looks like, and getting them to use those resources expedi- tiously. At the end of the day, it is all about taking care of the patients, relieving suffer- ing, and improving lives. In all these areas, early intervention means the patient has an excellent chance of returning to a life that is normal, or near normal, with fewer com- plications. We get to give people their lives back. What a blessing. Among the areas we want to continue to grow services are thoracic, cardiovascu- lar and vascular. In fact, two outstanding cardiovascular surgeons joined our medi- cal staff during the past year—Dr. Clyde Redmond and Dr. Frank Schmidt. We are also focusing on emergency services and expanding our trauma services and EMS, having been designated the 9-1-1 provider for west Benton County on January 1. Our Medical Director for Trauma Services in Springdale, Dr. Joe Olivi, brought additional expertise in burn care, a new service for us. We also see a tremendous need for growing behavioral health services, and have plans to expand our current inpatient unit to meet the significant demand. Our new medical director, Dr. Brian Hyatt, has been a tremen- dous resource. Northwest Health has been doing an amazing job so far in all of these areas, and others, including OB and NICU services, and we look forward to serving our region’s smallest patients through our Level IIIB NICU. For the most part, we have plenty of capacity in each of our hospitals; it’s simply about taking the next steps and fine-tuning what we are already doing well, and continually focusing on the patients’ needs. Healthcare is a service provided by incredible service-driven individuals. We feel blessed to have the opportunity to be a part of people’s lives when they need us most. n