HJAR Nov/Dec 2019
36 NOV / DEC 2019 I HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF ARKANSAS COLUMN MEDICAID Accountability for outcomes and popula- tion health continues to expand as a neces- sary part of programmanagement. Insurance entities, both public and private, monitor per- formance of health professionals and facili- ties in their networks, as well as the costs and outcomes of insured clients. In turn, the third-party payers are subject to public scrutiny for their stewardship of resources and the effectiveness of care delivery to their enrollees. Arkansas Medicaid is primarily a fee-for- service systemwith a growing component of managed care for dental services, as well as those with high-risk behavioral health needs and developmental disabilities. The program supplies data to the federal government to document that the state program facilitates and promotes health care comparable to that received in other state Medicaid systems. The Consumer Assessment of Health Plan Survey (CAHPS) is an extensive pa- tient questionnaire used to measure patients’ CLINICAL METRICS HELP SET MEDICAID PRIORITIES
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