HJAR Nov/Dec 2019
16 NOV / DEC 2019 I HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF ARKANSAS Q&A How many Arkansans use hospice per year? Howmany use palliative care? Have you noticed an increase over the years? Approximately 16,500Arkansans receive hospice care each year. It is estimated that this number grows to over 44,000 if you count the number of patients and their family members who are served (hospice provides respite, volunteer, and bereave- ment services that assist patient families). The number accessing palliative care is not currently tracked in Arkansas. Howmany Arkansans are employed in hos- pice and palliative care statewide? Is this a growing industry, and if so, why? The hospice industry is maintaining or slightly growing. Palliative care is moving slowly in Arkansas due to a lack of health- care professional, patient, and family knowl- edge of the care, limited access to pallia- tive care services and programs, and a very limited number of certified palliative care physicians in the state. Considering the nature of the work, how do you encourage workers in this field to stay compassionate and maintain a healthy life perspective? Self-care initiatives, including access to counselors within each hospice organization is common as well as my association, HP- CAAprovides periodic education and train- ing on maintaining a healthy self. Though hospice and palliative care workers are in a field where they see death almost daily, they are encouraged and delighted in knowing they are often instrumental in facilitating a peaceful and good death experience for their patients and families they serve. What do you see on the horizon for both hospice and palliative care? Most of the changes anticipated in hos- pice will be in payment models and over- sight. Arkansas has an active Palliative Care and Quality of Life Interdisciplinary Task Force overseen by the Department of Health, who is working to increase access by pre- paring recommendations for legislators to consider. n Approximately 16,500 Arkansans receive hospice care each year. It is estimated that this number grows to over 44,000 if you count the number of patients and their family members who are served (hospice provides respite, volunteer, and bereavement services that assist patient families).
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