HJAR Jul/Aug 2019
Editor’s Desk 8 JUL / AUG 2019 I Healthcare Journal of ARKANSAS Smith Hartley Chief Editor editor@healthcarejournalar.com As we transition from Healthcare Journal of Little Rock to Healthcare Journal ofArkansas , we seek to encompass the entire state of Arkansas toward the intention of health and well-being. My wife was born in Camden, Arkansas and spent her childhood in Pine Bluff as her dad worked as an engineer for the paper mill. While Little Rock was always the big city to her, North Arkan- sas filled her with the wonder of the Ozarks, and other parts of the state where you could camp and catch crappie on quiet lakes with relative ease. Life was predominately in her own town, which she regales fondly. This is the way it is throughout much the state. We are one, but we’re not always the same. Northwest Arkansas and the Fort Smith area is booming. There is so much natural beauty, and so much cor- porate talent. Watching the interplay among nature, business, and health is among our most important balances in the human experience. Rural communities and community health are the reality of so many parts of Arkansas. Providing high qual- ity care locally, while referring services to other communities is a larger strategic play to ensure people can get the care they need, while successfully managing care resources. We are getting better. We are using technology and smart market choices to identify needs and solve real challenges. As usual, the heat of the summer months continues to inspire change and direction. Healthcare Journal of Arkansas is working to explore the variety of regions of Arkansas and explore the uniqueness of culture and health systems, and lean on wisdom to appreciate the uniqueness. We are working on developing a broad edi- torial advisory board of local leaders to guide the content and direction of Healthcare Journal ofArkansas . Smart people working toward a common vision is often magical. We see it all the time. Also, since it’s summer, I’m going on a long hike to contemplate the coming years. There is so much to do, and so much to appreciate. Knowing that we’re all in this together will inspire smart, well-intentioned people to bring health and health solutions to a vast region with vast cultural uniqueness. It’s about respect, good health, good living, and a pleasant spirit. “It’s awesome to notice Arkansas coming together to share ideas and bring each other healing and well-being.”
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